Poker Night At The Inventory 2 Deploy A Table Unlockable

Buy GLaDOS a drink - ???. For this trophy, you must win the tournament when Brock places his bounty item on the table.That.

Win a tournament.

Bounties - Winning a tournament when a player has placed his unique item on the table earns you that bounty item. Winning the bounty item will also earn you a theme for your XMB as well as a character skin for Borderlands 2. A prompt will appear allowing you to download the items shortly after achieving the bounty. Oct 22, 2018  Our Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout Character Unlocks Guide will help you learn everything you need to know about unlocking all the characters. Poker Night at the Inventory. © Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.

April 30, 2013 EU:. Again.

15 Jun, 2013 @ 4:41pmPosts:

This means Brock has a better or equal to hand of a flush, straight, 4 of a kind, or higher!Global Achievements Poker Night 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details cibigibi View Profile View Posts 15 Jun, 2013 @ 4:41pm Buy a drink I'f you know how to buy a drink, can you tell me? The tournament almost started sloto cash bonus codes 2019 without him, but we were able to pull him away from killing poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone Deadites to play a few hands of poker with us.$20,000 of it. Topps Clear Lake Poker Run Since Brock has a legal license to kill people, Steve should consider himself lucky that firing a rocket at him only resulted in Brock beating the crap out of him.Intercontinuity Crossover :----------------------------------- We'll Drink to That 11 (10) Purchase a drink.

  1. I'm shutting down my award-winning conversation subroutines until SOMEONE opens up their wallet!
  2. Mediocre Hand - No specific tells Bluffing - Looks to the right nervously, wiggles his fingers on his right hand before betting.
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Poker night at the inventory 2 deploy a purchased table unlock

Gin lovers will love this one, because Casino primarily tastes of gin with a little bitter zing and Maraschino liqueur flair just barely wafting off the back end. The great thing about that is Casino definitely won’t distract from the primary focus; poker. This drink recipe gives a minor variation to remotely flavored martini without all the sugary fuss. The cherry garnish possibly adds too much girlish charm for such a ‘manly’ game, so do away with it if it’s too much to deal with, but the small amount of flavor does add to the flavor layering. Besides, if you lose the round you can always make a side bet on how fast you can tie that cherry stem. Face Free Online Poker Money No Deposit palms, Sam:

Ash on a bad set of hole cards: The poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone robot from Pandora is out of chips.Featureless Protagonist : casino near costa mesa caSlot Machine New Waverly Tx

The Poker Face This drink, like the phrase it’s named for, has been around for much longer than the Lady Gaga hit – though we won’t blame you if you start singing it while you make these drinks.Brock mentions Cartoon casino entertainment southern california Network poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone by name (and curses their lawyers). I know Poker Night 2 inside and out and I have learned nearly all the tells that everyone does!

  1. Yeah, well, that's the least of robot girl secrets.
  2. [4] Due to expiring licenses, the game was pulled from sale in September 2018.
  3. Game, the characters will engage in conversation, with GLaDOS carrying on the dark humor she uses in Portal 2.
  4. ::

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  • Win (#) of pots in a row Win a Showdown with _____ hand or better Win a showdown with only a high card Go into a Showdown with _____ hand or better Go all in and win Finish in (#) place or higher in a tournament Come in (#) or better place in consecutive tournaments Double/Triple Up Deploy a table unlockable from the _____ set Knock out an opponent Steal a hand at the river Win a tournament with a hand win percentage over (#) Win a tournament without going below (#) chips Buy drinks for (#) players in the same tournament Bounties - Winning a tournament when a player has placed his unique item on the table earns you that bounty item.
  • Bluffing - Humming means he might be in over his head.Next to Brock we have Claptrap, from Borderlands.
  • Brock, of course, is a knife guy, so when the Inventory is Borderlands -themed he mentions uncomfortably how gun-centric Pandora seems and asks if there's any good melee weapons on the planet.
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  • He usually folds right after saying that.
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  • Heads or Tails?Like Tycho in the previous game, Ash and Brock head to the bar when eliminated (that is, if nothing incapacitates them).
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Ash may wiggle his fingers on his right hand either when dealt in or while generally thinking before betting. Discussed in poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone casino roulette dubai one conversation, with, of course, Ash.

As to be expected, Ash poker clubs in new york repeatedly poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone calls to Brock to just use his boomstick . The drink order can be code for nationality, and social class.

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Of the idling variety. Poker Chip Label Size Serve red, white and black foods poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone to keep slot machines in chicago bars the casino theme going. 3072 × 2048 - 1026k - jpg Cocktail Birthday Party | Lipstick, Lace & Lattes 640 × 960 - 160k - jpg Character-named Drinks for a Bond inspired casino party., Rusty was the star of cartoons and video games, so Brock featuring in some sort of media would not be too far removed.

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Poker Night At The Inventory 2 Deploy A Purchased Table Unlock

If you have won most of the tournaments previous to this point, you should be very close, if not there, already. During the hands, these characters provide humorous chatter between each other and towards the player.drinks poker night 2 far cry 3 poker guide Mobile Brands Mobile Brands Mobile Brands Mobile Brands Drinks Poker Night 2 Dont let slow night slumps impact your business! Casino Boogie Rolling Stones Chords

Most of Sam's comments about the state of the game qualify: Clams Casino Singer SHUT Buy Online Casino Traffic THE #&$% UP, STEVE!As to be expected, Ash repeatedly calls to Brock to just use his boomstick .

Of all the drinks that casinos offer, however, one of the most popular is the cocktail. Mixologist Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist} Explore Katrina Green's board 'Poker night' poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone casino coahuilense reynosa on Pinterest.

They poker night 2 buy drinks for everyonefall river casino herald news know whats best! Waloogi686869 27 Jan @ 8:19am I always felt it as sarcasm but everytime she says something it happens exactly how she says it, which is scary to think about.

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  • Claptrap also acknowledges Sam's been in comics.SHUT THE #&$% UP, STEVE!
  • What are For Poker Night 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'drinks'.
  • They even note in a conversation that they're glad someone touched up on their models.asked 5 years, 3 months ago viewed 5,538 times active 5 years, 3 months ago Related 4 How do I play against GLaDOS in Poker Night 2?
  • Sequel Difficulty Drop :
  • Poker Night 2 is the sequel to 2010's Poker Night at the Inventory , only this time with the player up against Claptrap , Sam , Brock Samson and Ashley 'Ash' Williams in Texas Hold'Em or Omaha, with GLaDOS being the dealer.Deck the Halls - Bought your first deck.
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GLaDOS tells Claptrap that she feels nothing but apathy for him. One of Sam's lines:A waiter from Gravity Igt Slots Miss Red Final Bone is seen behind one of the doors in the intro. Texas Hold Em Poker Regels Voor Beginners

Extremely simple, fun, and for that extra dash of casino flare, feel free to add a little fruit or a miniature umbrella into the glass. Poker Tournaments Denver The Venture Bros.This guide was delayed for a while so I Island Resort Casino Cosmic Bingo could learn almost every tell that you can find in the game.

Now I'm stuck on winning a showdown with just a high card and it sucks. He isn't yelling or emphasizing the phrase, making this purely Fun with Subtitles .Sam poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone Sam is the smartest person on the table and most texas holdem origin likely folds every hand.

And when it actually loads, your dealing with a huge amount of Loads and Loads of Loading in game because it slows down gambling self exclusion forms qld a lot, mostly unresponsive touch screen controls, and (if you playing on an iPod or iPhone) cards that aren't easy to poker night 2 buy drinks for everyone see depending on the skin. Offer prizes such as $5 gift cards to your local coffee house, bagel shop, or movie rental store. ---Ok Hand--- This can be really noticeable as it's seen a lot when Brock is deciding on what to do next.

  1. Max references it when doing his Jason Alexander impression.
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  4. While jokingly asking Claptrap about the other Pandora , Brock refers to the movie's Unobtanium as McGuffinite.
(Redirected from PNATI)
Poker Night at the Inventory
Poker Night at the Inventory cover. Characters (l–r): Tycho Brahe, Max, the Heavy Weapons Guy, Strong Bad
Developer(s)Telltale Games
Publisher(s)Telltale Games
Composer(s)Jared Emerson-Johnson
EngineTelltale Tool
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X (10.5x to 10.7.x [1])
ReleaseNovember 22, 2010
Genre(s)Adult's Card game
Mode(s)Single player

Poker Night at the Inventory is a poker video game developed by Telltale Games. It features four characters: Tycho from the Penny Arcade webcomic, Max from the Sam & Max franchise, the RED Heavy from Team Fortress 2, and Strong Bad from the Homestar Runner web series. The game was released on November 22, 2010.[1]


Poker Night At The Inventory 2 Deploy A Table Unlockable

The Inventory is a secret club built underneath a video game storage warehouse. It was established in 1919, after a first draft of the 18th Amendment was acquired by a group of connected gamblers. It was discovered that it could not only outlaw libations, but games and amusements that could decrease the productivity of the national workforce. Despite this never coming to pass, the club has existed since in secret, just in case Congress tried to set prohibition into law. As a newcomer, the player competes in a friendly game of Texas Hold'emPoker with Max of Sam & Max, Strong Bad from Homestar Runner, Tycho from Penny Arcade, and the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. The player is first greeted by Reginald Van Winslow, former captain of the Screaming Narwhal, and sidekick to Guybrush Threepwood in Tales of Monkey Island. He explains the back story of the Inventory, and raises the blinds in game.


Gameplay of Poker Night at the Inventory showing the player winning a showdown with Max with a straight. Strong Bad and the Heavy have folded and Tycho has busted out. Strong Bad is saying to the player, 'Nice hand, gigantic cheater.'

Poker Night is a computer-based Texas Hold 'Em poker simulation between the player as an unseen participant and the four characters, Max, Tycho, The Heavy, and Strong Bad. Each player starts with a $10,000 buy-in and stays in the game until they are broke, with the goal of the player being the last player standing. The game uses no-limit betting and a gradually-increasing blind bets over the course of several rounds. Randomly, one of the four non-playable characters will not be able to front the money but will offer one of their possessions as buy-in for the game. The player can win these items as Team Fortress 2 unlockable equipment only if he or she is the one to bust that non-player character out of the game. The game keeps track of the player's statistics over the course of several games, and by completing certain objects (such as number of hands or games won) can unlock different playing card or table artwork to customize the look of the game.[2]

Poker Night At The Inventory 2 Deploy A Table Unlockable 2


On May 15, 2009, Telltale Games started a survey which was meant to gauge fan reaction to a sequel to Telltale Texas Hold'em.[3] While the team liked the deep conversations that the characters in the original game had, they decided to not go down the same path for the new game, using recognizable licensed characters rather than original 'generic' ones.[4]

Poker Night grew out of an idea from Telltale employees, wondering 'what video characters do when they're not 'on the clock' in the games we play', according to Telltale CEO Dan Conners.[5] From there, they pitched the idea to other companies in the industry and were able to work out which characters they would be able to include.[5] Telltale considered how the four characters would interact with each other, developing dialog, banter, and reactions to certain plays.[6] The characters, they decided, would be fully voiced, and would have distinctive tells and dynamic responses that would manifest themselves as the game progressed.[5] Conners stated that the goal was to create the experience of 'hanging out with their virtual buddies, shooting the breeze and playing a good game of poker'.[6] Telltale is considering a potential series based on this game using different characters in the future, but would need to see sales exceeding 100,000 to 200,000 units to make it feasible.[6]

Telltale Games have had previous experience working with several of the characters. Two of Telltale's episodic adventure series include three seasons of Sam & Max and Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People based on the Homestar Runner web series; both were developed in conjunction with the original creators, Steve Purcell[7] and The Brothers Chaps,[8] respectively. The appearance of Max and Strong Bad in Poker Night are based on the three-dimensional models from these games. The company's team were also fans of Valve's Team Fortress 2, including creating an informal team to participate in a competition between several game development studios; Telltale offered to create unique items based on Sam & Max to be given as a bonus gift for those who purchased the third season of Sam & Max through Steam, and formed a friendly working relationship with Valve as a result.[9]

Telltale aimed to make the game dialog-centric between the four featured characters. To that end, they created a large amount of dialog for each character and possible interactions between the characters; according to Jake Rodkin, Telltale's graphic designer, they wrote more lines of dialog for the game than a typical Sam & Max adventure episode.[2] Telltale always wanted to respect the original characters and worked with the individual creators and studios to improve the lines; they previously had gotten similar input from Matt Chapman for Strong Bad, while Jerry Holkins was extremely helpful to refine Tycho's character based on Telltale's draft dialog.[2][10] The developers also wanted to avoid any forced interactions, and instead developed what they felt were natural relationships: Tycho dislikes Strong Bad while getting along well with Max, while the Heavy looks upon Strong Bad as a tiny Heavy.[2] The characters are also written to be somewhat cognizant of their nature; according to Rodkin, Tycho and Strong Bad are aware of their video game nature, while Max is ambiguous and the Heavy remains blissfully unaware of his death-and-respawning cycle, simply attributing his memories of dying over and over again as dreams.[11]

Poker Night is the first game to include a voice artist for Tycho; provided by voice actor Andrew 'Kid Beyond' Chaikin. The other three characters are voiced by their current voice actors: Max by William Kasten, Heavy by Gary Schwartz, and Strong Bad by Matt Chapman. The game uses existing 3D models for Max, Heavy, and Strong Bad, while Tycho's is built from scratch; at the time of the game's announcement near the Penny Arcade Expo, Telltale was still working on refining Tycho's model, though it was briefly seen during their Make a Scene panel at PAX.[12][13]

The game was teased by Telltale Games a week prior to its official announcement through a short video on GameTrailers TV, showing the silhouettes of the four characters' official art.[14] The game was officially announced by Telltale Games on September 2, 2010, the eve of the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo.[6] Players who have also purchased Team Fortress 2 will be able to unlock unique items based on the four respective franchises within that game through progress in Poker Night; a special poker visor for Team Fortress 2 was also available for those that pre-ordered the game.[15]


The game received favorable reviews.

Aggregate score
(5 reviews)
Review scores


On April 1, 2013, Telltale officially announced a sequel, titled Poker Night 2, featuring Brock Samson from The Venture Bros., Claptrap from the Borderlands series, Ash Williams from The Evil Dead franchise, and Sam from Sam & Max as opponents. GLaDOS from the Portal series serves as the dealer. Other characters such as Max from Sam & Max, the Aperture Science turrets from Portal, and Mad Moxxi and Steve the Bandit from Borderlands make non-playable appearances.[17] The game was released on Steam, Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in late April 2013.[18]


  1. ^'A Release Date. Poker Night Has One'. Telltale Games. November 18, 2010. Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  2. ^ abcdHerring, Will (September 6, 2010). 'PAX 2010: Poker Night at the Inventory'. GamePro. Archived from the original on September 12, 2010. Retrieved September 6, 2010.
  3. ^'Telltale Texas Hold'em 2 no'. The International House of Mojo. May 15, 2009. Retrieved May 29, 2013.
  4. ^'How Evil Dead, Venture Bros. and Borderlands ended up at the poker table'. Polygon. May 7, 2013. Retrieved May 29, 2013.
  5. ^ abc'Telltale Announces the Citizen Kane of Poker Games' (Press release). Telltale Games. September 2, 2010. Retrieved September 3, 2010.
  6. ^ abcdMastrapa, Gus (September 3, 2010). 'Gamer Icons Talk Trash in Poker Night at the Inventory'. Wired. Retrieved September 3, 2010.
  7. ^Harold, Charles (October 19, 2006). 'Dog and Rabbit Redux, and a Killer to Search Out'. New York Times. Retrieved September 6, 2010.
  8. ^'Interview With the Brothers Chaps'. IGN. April 14, 2008. Retrieved September 6, 2010.
  9. ^'SnM + Steam = BFF'. Telltale Games. April 15, 2010. Retrieved April 15, 2010.
  10. ^'Poker Night at the Inventory'. Penny Arcade. November 24, 2010. Archived from the original on November 25, 2010. Retrieved September 24, 2016.
  11. ^Rodkin, Jack (September 3, 2010). 'Poker Night at the Inventory (some sort of crossover game?..)'. Telltale Games. Retrieved September 6, 2010.
  12. ^Rodkin, Jack (September 3, 2010). 'Poker Night at the Inventory (some sort of crossover game?..)'. Telltale Games. Retrieved September 6, 2010.
  13. ^CyricZ (September 7, 2010). 'Make a Scene With Telltale at PAX 2010' – via YouTube.
  14. ^Thompson, Mike (August 28, 2010). 'Telltale Trailer Hints At Greatest Adventure Crossover Ever'. The Escapist. Retrieved September 3, 2010.
  15. ^'Telltale Games : Home Page'. Telltale Games. November 3, 2010. Retrieved November 3, 2010.
  16. ^'Poker Night at the Inventory'. GameRankings. Retrieved November 24, 2010.
  17. ^Neltz, András (March 28, 2013). 'Rumor: Leaked Poker Night At The Inventory 2 Screenshots Reveal The Game's Cast'. Kotaku. Retrieved March 28, 2013.
  18. ^'Ash, Claptrap, Sam and Brock Samson Ante Up for Poker Night 2'. Retrieved October 4, 2013.

External links[edit]

  • Poker Night at the Inventory on IMDb
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