Gambling Arguments For And Against

Pro (for)
  1. Arguments For And Against Gmos

AGAINST BANNING GAMBLING: FOR BANNING GAMBLING: 1. AS GOOD AS ANYTHING. As the popular adage goes, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Say what you want about gambling, but you cannot deny that it is fun. Heck, even if you do try to deny it, the science will just prove you wrong. This report focuses on the economic arguments for gambling, outlining the purpose and potential impacts and results of government intervention on the society. In considering the economy as a whole, the impact on society also includes the impact on business.

Con (against)
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The voting period for this debate has ended.
Voting Style:OpenPoint System:7 Point
Updated:5 years agoStatus:Post Voting Period
Viewed:2,076 timesDebate No:43162
Comments (9)
Arguments for and against gambling advertisingArguments for and against gmosHomework


1st round, acceptance
2nd round case
3rd round attack opponents case
4th round defend case
5th round conclusion
No surprise points or forfeiting please.


Hello. Thank you for the challenge. I accept.


mcalcara forfeited this round.


Since pro has not stated her case, I will propose the case.
Gambling is wrong because it's like cheating, stealing and lying.
Cheating= to practice fraud or deceit (
Stealing=to take, get, or win insidiously, surreptitiously, subtly, or by chance (
Lying=something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture (
The direct definition for gambling though is;
the act or practice of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance or acting recklessly. (
So my question to pro is, why is gambling okay according to my examples and the dictionary's definitions?


mcalcara forfeited this round.


GodChoosesLife forfeited this round.


mcalcara forfeited this round.


GodChoosesLife forfeited this round.


mcalcara forfeited this round.


This wasn't a very stable debate so voters vote who you see deserves the vote. And if that means no votes at all then that's what we deserve. Pro and I have FF's do to personal situations. Maybe pro and I can redebate on husband make sure no FF's at all. Thank you.
4 votes have been placed for this debate. Showing 1 through 4 records.
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Agreed with after the debate:--0 points
Who had better conduct:--1 point
Had better spelling and grammar:--1 point
Made more convincing arguments:--3 points
Used the most reliable sources:--2 points
Total points awarded:01
Reasons for voting decision: More rounds forfeited by Pro.

Arguments For And Against Gmos

Agreed with before the debate:--0 points
Agreed with after the debate:--0 points
Who had better conduct:--1 point
Had better spelling and grammar:--1 point
Made more convincing arguments:--3 points
Used the most reliable sources:--2 points
Total points awarded:04
Agreed with before the debate:--0 points
Agreed with after the debate:--0 points
Who had better conduct:--1 point
Had better spelling and grammar:--1 point
Made more convincing arguments:--3 points
Used the most reliable sources:--2 points
Total points awarded:10
Reasons for voting decision: S/g to pro because of con's multiple errors in the last round. Both sides broke the rules by forfeiting, so neither side gets the conduct point. Arguments to neither side because con never really made the link clear between gambling, lying, cheating, and stealing. Sources to neither side because neither side used necessary sources.
Agreed with before the debate:--0 points
Agreed with after the debate:--0 points
Who had better conduct:--1 point
Had better spelling and grammar:--1 point
Made more convincing arguments:--3 points
Used the most reliable sources:--2 points
Total points awarded:04
Reasons for voting decision: Con's round two argument was never refuted. She also forfeited less
This debate has been configured to only allow voters who meet the requirements set by the debaters. This debate either has an Elo score requirement or is to be voted on by a select panel of judges.